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ENERGY POLICY - Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Alaska's Utilities
Statewide Energy Policy
Energy Task Force - December 14, 2021 - Federal Infrastructure Package with Sen. Murkowski and Staff
Independent Power Producers Role in Alaska's Energy Infrastructure
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Summary
Energy Policy Alaska LNG Project
Energy Task Force - January 11, 2022 - Infrastructure Bill & DC Update with Sen. Sullivan and Staff
Energy Task Force - October 19, 2021 - Electric Vehicles in Alaska: Status & Outlook - GVEA
Renewable railbelt energy | Alaska Insight
Energy for All Alaska Task Force - August 4, 2020 - Railbelt Electric Reliability Organization - AEA
Day 2 - Utility Decision Making: Navigating constraints, innovating for the future
NASEO NARUC Microgrids State Working Group: Updates on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act